lundi 28 décembre 2020

2009 - Azerbaijan / Iran / Pakistan - Summit of the Economic Cooperation Organization in Tehran, Iran



Logotype of the ECO, Map and Flags of the Member Countries

Logo de l'ECO, carte et drapeaux des pays membres

2013 - Azerbaijan / Belarus - Coats of Arms


(1) Coats of Arms and Presidential Palaces of the Republics of Azerbaijan and Belarus

(2) Blasons et palais présidentiels des républiques d'Azerbaïdjan et de Biélorussie

2013 - Azerbaijan / Belarus - Folk Dances


(1) Terekeme, Azerbaijan

(2) Krichatchok, Belarus

(1) Terekeme, Azerbaïdjan

(2) Krichatchok, Biélorussie

Joint Stamp Issues - Azerbaijan


2011 - Azerbaijan / Belarus - Music Instruments and Traditional Textile Items


(1) Belarussian Hurdy Gurdy and Traditional Fabric

(2) Tar, Music Instrument and Carpet of Azerbaijan

(1) Instrument biélorusse hurdy gurdy et tissu traditionnel

(2) Tar, instrument de musique, et tapis d'Azerbaïdjan

Joint Stamp Issues - Macau


Joint Stamp Issues - Åland Islands


2010 - Åland Islands / Macau - Stained-Glass Windows


(1) Saõ Lourenço Church, Macau

(2) Church of Jomala, Åland Islands

(1) Eglise de Saõ Lourenço, Macao

(2) Eglise de Jomala, Iles Åland

2002 - Australia / Thailand - Water Lilies


(1) Nelumbo nucifer, Australia and Thailand

(2) Nymphea immutabilis, Australia

(1) Nelumbo nucifer, Australie et Thaïlande

(2) Nymphea immutabilis, Australie

Joint Stamp Issues - Sweden


Joint Stamp Issues - 2001


2001 - Australia / Sweden - Daniel Solander (1733-1782), Swedish Botanist


(1) Portrait of the Botanist

(2) Daniel Solander's Journey to Australia, Ship "Endeavour"beached in Cooktown

(1) Portrait du botaniste

(2) Voyage de Daniel Solander vers l'Australie, Bateau "Endeavour" échoué à Cooktown

Joint Stamp Issues - Papua New Guinea


2010 - Australia / Papua New Guinea - Campaign of Kokoda, Papua New Guinea, between the Australian and Japanese Armed Forces in 1942


(1) Campaign of Kokoda

(2) Injured Australian Soldiers during the Campaign 

(3) Hikers on the Kokoda Trail

(1) Campagne de Kokoda

(2) Soldats australiens blessés pendant la campagne

(3) Randonneurs sur le chemin de Kokoda

(1) Isurava Memorial to the Australians and Papua New Guineans fallen during the Campaign

(2) Kokoda Veterans

(1) Mémorial d'Isurava à la mémoire des soldats australiens et de Papouasie Nouvelle Guinée tombés pendant la Campagne

(2) Vétérans de la Campagne de Kokoda