mardi 5 janvier 2021

2005 - Canada / Ireland - National Parks


(1) Killarney National Park, Ireland

(2) Waterton Lakes National Park, Canada

(1) Parc National de Killarney, Irlande

(2) Parc National des Lacs de Waterton, Canada

2002 - Canada / Hong Kong - Corals


(1) Red Coral

(2) Yellow and Red Corals

(1) Corail rouge

(2) Coraux rouges et jaunes

(1) Orange and Red Corals

(2) Yellow and Blue Corals

(1) Coraux orange et rouges

(2) Coraux jaunes et bleus

Joint Stamp Issues - Guernsey


2012 - Canada / Guernsey - 200 years of the end of the War between the United States and Britain for the control of British North American Territory, part of modern Canada


(1) Sir Isaac Brock (1769-1812), born in Guernsey, General of the British Armed Forces during the War of 1812

(2) Tecumseh (1768-1813), Leader of the Shawnee Tribe and Ally of the British Army during the War of 1812

(1) Sir Isaac Brock (1769-1812), né à Guernesey, Général des Forces Armées britanniques pendant la Guerre de 1812

(2) Tecumseh (1768-1813), chef de la tribu Shawnee et allié de l'armée britannique pendant la Guerre de 1812

2008 - Canada / France - 400 years of the Foundation of Quebec City


Saint Lawrence River and view of the Colony of  Quebec City

Fleuve Saint Laurent et vue de la colonie de Québec

2004 - Canada / France - 400 years of the Foundation of the 1st French Colony in Canada by Pierre Dugua de Mons (1560-1628)


 Portrait of the Navigator

Portrait du Navigateur